Hino Motor Sales USA, Inc.

Hino Motor Sales USA, Inc.
Hino Motor Sales USA Inc.
41180 Bridge Street
Novi, Michigan 48377
248-200-6798 (English, Cantonese, Mandarin)

Hino Motor Sales USA Inc., a Toyota Group Company, has been established in the US since 1985 with headquarters in Novi, Michigan where approximately 200 people are employed. They distribute Hino Trucks throughout the USA with a network of over 160 dealers nationwide, including Chicago. Hino Trucks became a member of the Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce in order to reach out and promote their products and services to the Chinese Community.

Hino Trucks is the premier medium-duty truck company in the United States with a product lineup that offers the lowest total cost of ownership, superior fuel economy, industry-leading environmental friendliness, unmatched reliability and maneuverability, and the most comprehensive bundle of standard features in the market. For these reasons, our resale/residual value maintains its leadership in the medium duty truck market. Hino uses the Toyota Production System to achieve continuing gains the productivity and in quality throughout their operations.

Hino Trucks are assembled in West Virginia by Hino Motors Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc. where they are responsible for manufacturing trucks under the HINO brand. Find out more about Hino Trucks and what products they offer and how they can help you on their website at www.hino.com or give them a call at (248) 200-6798 where they can speak to you in English, Cantonese and/or Mandarin

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