Garrett Popcorn Shops
401 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 606
Garrett Popcorn Shops was established in 1949 and have maintained their dedication to fresh, delicious Popcorn. With the 1st location opening in Shanghai, China in April/May 2017, Garrett Popcorn joined the Chicago Chinatown Chamber of Commerce as a member as it was important for Garrett to embrace the local Chinese American Community. Garrett has similar operations in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
At Garrett Popcorn Shops, they only use the highest quality ingredients from local producers as they handcraft the gourmet Popcorn in old-fashioned copper kettles. They hot air pop a signature blend of kernels, which is then mixed into Garrett’s secret family recipes. Every batch is handmade throughout the day, and the result is an irresistible snacking sensation, which has generated lines of historic proportions outside of their retail shops for decades.
The Garrett Mix is a blend of their famous CaramelCrisp and CheeseCorn recipes and remains their most popular flavor and a consistent favorite throughout their entire fanbase. The next time anyone visits Chicago, they can find Garrett Popcorn Shops at the heart of Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, or at any of the 13 locations in Chicagoland. Garrett Popcorn can be accessed online or by phone at (888) 4-POPCORN/ (888) 476-7267.
Celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year with a festive gift set featuring 1 Quart Tin of Garrett Mix® and 1 Quart Tin of Macadamia CaramelCrisp® in our new Year of The Rooster design!